Today, the collections of Natural history museum of Grenoble, following estimations, are up from 3 to 5 millions species. This positions the Museum among the best in the province, his reputation established around the main collections, like the “ Herbarium” or the “ Mineralogy”.

Their interests are located at different levels, each level not excluding the next :

  • Instructional : The object is to help and illustrate terms of popular sciences.
  • Scientific : Studies on Taxonomy (types of specimens, reference collections), geographical repartition and ecological (Atlas), evolution in time of the species (disappearances,appearances),population’s genetics, impacts studies, applied studies( pharmaceutical)….
  • Historic : species bounded to local personnalities or national, to theoretical theories….

Far from frozen, these collections keep on evolving thanks to studies and documentation, valorization towards different publics and thanks to acquisitions who complete it…